Friday 25 January 2013

Badnekai Gojju (Eggplant Curry)

This is one of MY faavourite curry! Its eaten with Chappatis(Flat Bread) or Jowar Roti(India Soghrum Flat Bread). This dish originates from Dharwad, Karnataka. I would love to share this recipe with you all!!

For the Paste
1 kg  Rosa Bianca Eggplant
4 Cloves Garlic
1 Tomato Diced
2 Tbsp Fresh Grated Coconut
1 Tbsp Sambhar Powder / Curry Powder
1 Medium Onion Diced
1 Green Chilli
1/2 Tsp  Salt
Fresh Coriander Leaves

Blend all the above ingredients into a fine paste.

to cook the eggplant

2 tbsp Oil
Half tsp Asofetida
4-5 tbsp Paste blended
Salt to taste
1 Cup Water
Coriander leaves for Garnish

1. Begin to cut the eggplant from the bottom through the centre stopping when you reach half way through the eggplant.

2. Heat the oil in a pressure cooker/ heavy bottomed pan, add asofetida, blended paste and cook until the smell of rawness diappears.

3. Add eggplant into the paste and mix it well cook it for about 2-3 minutes and add water stir it well without breaking the eggplant.

                                                                                            Indian Soghrum Flat Bread

4. Pressure cook it for approximately 15 minutes.

Garnish it with coriander leaves and serve it hot with chapatis / roti.

Thai Yellow Curry

Thai Yellow curry paste


1  Onion mediun diced
Soak 3 Dry Red Chillis in war water for 20 mins
4 Cloves Garlic
1 inch Ginger
Handfull fresh Coriander leaves with stem
1tsp Turmeric
1tsp Brown sugar
1tbsp Lime juice
1tbsp Curry powder (I used kitchen king masala)
1tbsn Lemongrass/ 3 stalks of lemongrass
Half tsp salt

Roast and ground to powder


1tbsp Coriander seeds
1tsp Cumin seeds
5-6 White/Black peppercorns

Blend in all the ingredients together into a fine paste.

Vegetable Thai Curry


2-3 Cups Mixed vegetable
(carrots, french beans cut into 1inch pieces, babycorn, red/ green peppers, button mushrooms, spring onions)
1 can Coconut milk
1 cup vegetable stock
2 -3 tbsp Thai curry paste
1tsp brown sugar
1tbsp  Soy sauce
coriander leaves and spring onions finely chopped
(for garnishing)
salt to taste


1.  Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add 1/4 of the coconut milk and stir it until the sweet fragrance is released and starts to thicken.

2. Add the ground thai paste into the coconut milk and mix it well. Cook it further for 3 minutes until the rawness smell disappears.

3. Add the mixed vegetables and mix them well.Cook further for -3 minutes.

4. Add vegetable stock, soy sauce, brown sugar and left over 3/4 of coconut milk.

5. Cover the lid and cook it for 5 minutes

6. Open the lid check the seasoning and cook it further for 5 minutes.

Garnish it with coriander leaves and spring onions.

Serve it hot with Jasmine Rice or Brown Rice.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Vegetable stir fry rice

Hey All!!

After a great weekend and great holiday with kids it was hard to wake up this morning for school. Nevertheless, I had no choice but to get back into the routine. Not knowing what to cook this evening I decided to make vegetable stir fry rice.

It was a trial for me as I have never made this before, but it turned out pretty easy and was good to taste. Very flavorful. A bit of a South East Asian fusion.

Here is the recipe

Vegetable stir fry rice


1/2 cup   Long grain rice
2 tbsp     Oil (I used canola oil)
1 tsp       Cumin seeds
1 tbsp     Curry powder (I used kitchen king powder)
4 tbsp     Vegetarian stir fry sauce
2 cloves  Garlic (chopped)
Mixed vegetables (carrots, French beans, sweet corn, sliced onion)
1 chilli (just to get that heat)
Salt to taste
1 & 1/4 cup water


1. Heat oil in a pot. Add cumin seeds and cook until light brown.

2. Add garlic, onion and mixed vegetables and a chilli. Cook for about 2 minutes.

3. Add stir fry sauce and curry powder. Stir the vegetables well. Let it cook for about a minute. Then add the rice   and salt to taste.

4. Add water and allow the water to come to a boil, then let the rice to cook on slow heat for about 20-25 minutes.

(Keep checking in to ensure there isn't too much water if and the rice is almost cooked. Avoid overcooking the rice by removing the lid.)

Serve it hot with cucumber raita or yogurt. 

Enjoy!! Happy Cooking !!

Thepla ( Fenugreek Flat Bread )

Methi na Thepla
(fenugreek flat bread)


1 cup      Wheat flour
1 cup      Chopped fresh fenugreek leaves
1 tsp       Turmeric
1 tsp       Red chilli powder
1 tbsp     Oil
Pinch of Asafoetida 
Salt to taste 
oil  for shallow frying the bread
water to knead the dough
some flour to dust the flat bread to roll them.

1. In a bowl add all dry ingredients and oil mix it well.

2. Add water slowly as you knead them into a soft dough. If sticky use oil on your palm to get rid of stickiness. 

3. Make round balls size of a ping pong ball.

4. Roll them round approx 20cms in diameter. 

5. Put the bread on a hot griddle and cook it until few brown spots appear, then flip it over and let it cook add oil on top toss it over and fry it. 

Ready to serve it as a snack or main course with a potato curry or with nice hot ginger chai!!!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Wishing you all a very happy and a prosperous new year !! My new year has been great start with a BIG move to Vancouver !! I am looking forward to start teaching my classes shortly.
It's a "Beautiful British Columbia " as they call it here. It's very picturesque the mountains the water front view when I wake up and look out in the mornings! It's breathtaking.
I am super excited to start teaching and meeting great people of Vancouver !!

Will keep you all posted !! Until then happy cooking :)

Friday 21 September 2012

Indian Vegetarian Cooking


Welcome to my culinary blog! Here, you will find a list of the different Indian vegetarian classes that I teach, my catering service, cooking tips and recipe ideas, restaurant reviews, good addresses in and around Montreal and so much more. Whether you are a vegetarian or a meat lover, a foodie or a stranger to the kitchen, a stay-at-home mom or a businessman, Canadian, American, European, African, Asian or Oceanian, my cooking classes are designed to meet the needs and tastes of everyone!

So browse away!

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